
Barry Shiver, President of Smarter Forestry, serves as President of the Georgia Chapter of the Association of Consulting Foresters (ACF).

Because we completely understand the forestry industry we have been tasked over the years with some difficult projects.  Some examples of other work we have conducted over the years are noted below:

  • Developed organization specific weight, volume, and taper equations to provide better estimates of volumes and values from inventory data

  • Reviewed the information system and harvest scheduling system for organizations and provided recommendations for improvement

  • Developed log settlement spreadsheets for use in working up hardwood log values from multiple species and grades delivered to a mill

  • Valued timber on wetlands mitigation tracts at time of mitigation initiation and change over time

  • Evaluated specific stands for proposed silvicultural treatments including clonal and flex stands, fertilization, and woody release and developed estimates of value added by treatment

  • Taught customized short courses on topics specific to organizational goals and objectives

  • Reviewed internal models developed by organizations and compared them to outside models with recommendations for improvement

  • Investigated and discovered causes for wood harvested not matching estimates of wood from inventories (not “cutting out”)

  • Estimated value of timber harvested illegally from a "stump cruise"

  • Developed stand yield model and tree volume models for Eucalyptus in Africa

  • Evaluated trade-offs between managing for wildlife objectives and managing for timber and financial objectives

  • Estimated value of proposed harvest by tree length logging to a fiber top  for one price per ton vs whole tree chipping with a different price per ton to determine the choice with highest returns to the landowner

  • Evaluated stumpage price effect on decision to manage for bioenergy or timber management objectives

  • Evaluated effects of not including stopper heights on sawtimber trees on inventory estimates

  • Developed updated stand yields and mean annual increment (MAI) values for use by credit organizations in issuing lines of credit to organizations

Call us if you have a project that seemingly has no solution!

Experienced. Objective. Tailored. Punctual. Smarter.